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Construction and remodeling contracts consist of detailed plans and lists of terms that answer the “who, what, and when” of the project. These elements should be present and easily understood by all parties: Architectural drawings Specifications for material types and labor standards Payment terms and schedule Progress schedule, and...

Building contractors come from a variety of backgrounds, including construction project management or skilled trades such as carpentry. With enough experience and knowledge of the process, a building contractor brings exceptional value to the client. Building and remodeling require dozens of workers or more, with...

The complexity and high stakes of commercial construction can be confidently navigated with proper planning and the right partners. The potential pitfalls may be obvious and these are missteps during pre-construction, funding and budget problems, and design flaws that cause problems throughout the project. The...

Kitchen remodeling represents a significant investment — both in terms of finances as well as emotional energy. Transforming the kitchen can transform your home, and that’s a huge step. The project involves plumbing, electric, a variety of materials, and a lot of designer style. Before...