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Revamp your Style with a Bath Remodeling Project

Talk to buyers and real estate agents, and they’ll tell you that kitchen and bath remodeling should top your list of any major home improvements. Not everyone really loves cooking at home, but everybody wants a refreshing shower. That’s why bath remodeling makes the most sense for both your own time in the home and if you ever sell.

Some owners feel pressure to forego their custom remodeling wishes because they don’t want to scare off future buyers. On the other hand, there’s a good chance someone else who loves your home and neighborhood will have similar preferences. So, how to decide whether to remodel a bathroom for resale value or for your own enjoyment?

Where to Indulge with Bath Remodeling

We’re most often hearing that people want a more spacious bathroom with user-friendly features. Many also want bath remodeling to put in finishes that are easier to clean. Consider your wishlist and set priorities. Items at the top of the list should stay there.

Feel confident about custom bath remodeling that many people will love, or that can be altered easily in the future:

Bath Remodeling for Resale

Nobody gets rich by spending money foolishly. You may not be on a tight budget, but it’s important to plan the design and calculate your costs well before beginning a bath remodeling project so things don’t get out of hand.

Can Luxury Bath Remodeling Have Good ROI?

You sometimes hear that luxury or high-end bath remodeling does not bring back the best resale value. However, those statistics are referring to truly lavish materials and finishes. Marble is a good example; it gets water-stained easily and buyers might beware of high maintenance. The point here is that indulging in bath remodeling should not be a problem as long as you spend wisely.

Another factor is your local real estate market. Go to open houses in your neighborhood to see how recently others have made bathroom updates and what kind of finishes they’ve used. If you have some new construction on the block or everybody seems to have magazine-worthy bathrooms, you may need premium bath remodeling to stay competitive and sell the house quickly.

Gathering ideas for bath remodeling in Santa Rosa, or looking for a skilled home contractor who can fulfill your vision? Contact us to request a consultation to discuss your options for custom bath remodeling that will enhance your everyday life and bring back years of value.

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