We Build People's Dreams

Start the Year with these Trending Home Remodeling Ideas

“Anna: Well, the turkey’s done.

Walter: So’s the kitchen. Actually, it’s a little overdone for my tastes. Let’s not go there again.”

The Money Pit

The Money Pit is one of the very best movie classics. If you haven’t seen it, you should check it out. It shows just what buying a home, remodeling it and the stress it can take on you and your relationships. It’s a little over the top, but hilariously funny nonetheless.

With every new year, new creative ideas for designing or remodeling your homes arise. We’d love it if you reached out to us at McNeil Construction and Remodeling in the new year of 2018 so we can discuss your remodel plans, and you can hear about the new remodel designs that are becoming the new trend. Even if you don’t choose us, we thought a list of some of the top trending home remodeling ideas for 2018 would be a great idea for a blog post.

Below, you’ll find a list of the trending remodeling ideas for this upcoming new year, and an explanation about a few of the creative remodeling ideas we are intrigued about.

Smart Kitchens

I think we all can agree that 2018 will bring to us an even bigger year of technology in the kitchen. Not that technology hasn’t been a part of the kitchen in previous years, we just mean we aren’t just talking about expensive appliances and creative devices. The Smart Kitchen has become a thing this year and will be even bigger in the years to come. In your kitchen, we can start integrating technology everywhere. From the lights, to the refrigerator, to the water faucets to the stove, to the sensors, everything can be upgraded to make your kitchen so convenient and energy efficient.

We think having a refrigerator that can sense when your groceries are running low or when your eggs are about to go bad and then alert you about it, is better than having a flying car. Also, you can become connected to any room in your home via your smartphones and tablets. You can control all your lighting, temperature levels, fireplaces, televisions and alarm systems.

Pet-Friendly Kitchens

I don’t know about you all but, we have pets and I’m always a little nervous about having my pets in the kitchen and being exposed to some hazardous or sensitive materials. In 2018, there are some brilliant ideas being built to make kitchens extremely pet friendly. First things first, the floor. There are a few options for you to choose from. Bamboo, Vinyl, Laminate, Hardwood, Tile, Cork, Stone and a handful of others. All these options at your disposal are great ones. All we’ll need to do is cater a flooring to the type of animal you have. What size they are, and what their habits are. These options are extremely ideal.

Our pets are our family members. So, after you’ve chosen a flooring option you can really start customizing the kitchen around that pet of yours. I love having my dog at my feet while I cook. How cool would it be to have your kitchens island set up with a doggy bed underneath the kitchen island? Or, how about a private island for your cat, so your cat can hang out in her own kitchen section rather than yours. You can be so creative nowadays. We think it’s cool to just think about the possibilities.

Mudroom, yes please!

This is going to be a huge trend in 2018. In all honesty, we are surprised it hasn’t been more popular over the last few years. You don’t need a huge space for a mudroom and the price to build out a mudroom varies from 13,000 to 15,000 dollars. The price tag revolves around those additions of plumbing and electricity. But a mudroom is ideal for you if you have kids or pets. It’s a fantastic place to have, especially with children. You all can kick off your dirty shoes, wet clothes or heavy backpacks before you enter the house. It’s just a wonderful addition if you want to keep your home as organized and as clean as you can. It’s also a great place for storing stuff if you don’t have a huge garage or any garage.

In the end..

We could go on for 50 pages about the upcoming trends for remodeling your homes in 2018. It’s always exciting to uncover the new and creative ideas designers and contractors are coming up with. We hope you’ll contact us at McNeil Construction and Remodeling if 2018 is the year you’ll be planning to remodel any room in your house. Click here to tell us about your remodeling dreams!

“[Walter sees the new stairs that had been built]

Walter: Stairs! Ha! A Staircase! We have stairs!

[Dances happily on them]

Walter: Oh hello Mr. Stairs I’ve missed you”. The Money Pit – 1986

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